Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Very Significant Date

This is a special day for me.

I've decided to hold my breath, close my eyes, and jump into what for me is the deep end of technology and actually begin blogging. And to the 2 or 3 people who might actually stumble across this site, well, thanks for reading!

As special as this simple fact is, however, it's really not what makes this day significant, let alone very significant.

You see, thirty one years ago today, the most significant, life changing event happened to me (short of my salvation and sanctification). On Saturday, February 11, 1978, Barbara Leidy -- the girl I had been dating for seven years! -- became my wife. Two people were joined at the heart. And we've only grown closer over the years.

If you were to see "then-and-now" pictures of Barbara, you would hardly notice a change. On the other hand, my "then" appearance as opposed to now.... well, let's not go there. But let's face it, over 31 years, some things are going to change, shift, adjust, and crease. That's life. But I'm celebrating the fact that the important things between us-- the things that last and matter -- have become stronger, deeper, more lovely.

It's fair to say that there has been no other person in my life who has done as much to help "fan into flame" the few gifts God has given me. In her wife-way, she pushes me, prompts, and prods me towards excellence. Where I would at times settle for "good enough," she points to the better and the best.

How do you thank God for the gift of this kind of partner in your life?

I shared with her today this excerpt from one of the countless letters Brengle wrote to his wife, Lily, during their frequent separations. It pretty well describes the role she plays in my life:

"Help me by your prayers, stir me up by your exhortations, make me watchful by your warnings, make me diligent by your example, make me wise by your counsel, be my wife, my helper, as you have been and as you will -- and God will use me to save many more souls with you than without you."
-- Samuel Logan Brengle

So thank you Lord, for special days, significant dates, and flame-fanning partners. They each, like all good gifts, come from You.

And if I'm smart -- and no one who knows me places any real wager on that bet -- I'll keep my eyes continually open to see and recognize the gifts, the wonder, and blessings God includes in every day to remind me of His love and grace.

Keep your altar ready and your fire hot...


1 comment:

  1. This person who you talk about - your wife, she feels very priviledge and special to have a husband who appreciates her in the way that you do! Thank you for the love you have for me over these 31 years that have been full of many opportunities!

    Our very special love
    Your Wife!
